Monday, March 23, 2009

Final Project Treatments and stuff

I had been tossing around several ideas for the final project but I decided to go for something that's simpler in terms of story and would allow me to use many different techniques of animation and also allow for interesting sound design.

I choose to do a quick 1 minute short about a boy with a ball. It opens up with a paper delivery sequence where we follow the paper delivery car as it delivers a paper to the house as the young boy walks up. The boy comes inside and goes to show his mother the new ball. His mother, however, is on the phone with a friend and reading a magazine and uses her free arm to shoo him away. The boy walks into the living room with the ball and gives it a little kick. When the ball strikes a vase sitting on the table causing it to teeter but not fall the boy giggles. When his mothers voice comes from the other room telling him not to kick the ball the boy grimaces and grabs the ball; giving it a swift kick. The ball begins to bounce around the room as if it were in space. After hitting the walls floor and ceiling a few times the ball begins to strike objects throughout the room either breaking them or knocking them over. The boys smiling face becomes frightened as the ball continues breaking things around him. When the mother hears the ruckus she comes into the room only to be struck in the face and falls to the floor. The boy stares at her for a second before the ball hits him (knocking him over as well) and exits through the window it broke.

My plan is to draw the characters, background, and objects separately in photoshop. I will then take all of these layers into after effects and from there using parenting and motion keyframes to get the animation moving. Having all the objects separate from the background ahead of time should ease in animating their destruction.
For the characters I plan on having 3 angles of the mother (One from the side, one from behind and one of her laying down. I will use parenting to animate her arm shooing the boy and turning magazine pages. Since the phone will be on the side of her face i will only have to animate her eyes blinking.
For the boy i plan on having multiple drawings from all sides so he can move and turn around in the frame smoothly. I plan to seperate his body in 4 parts (2 legs, torso and head) and then parent them together so his walking looks more realistic. I also plan on having multiple drawings of the ball in different compression shapes so it can hit objects and different velocities.
I plan on folelying the sound and doing all the voices myself along with the music over the opening 10 seconds or so.


